Vector Lines Distortion Effect in Adobe Illustrator

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23 Responses

  1. ruhul says:

    Thanks for Script

  2. francis says:

    thank you very much , but i cannot download the script file, after i clicked i only get a 5kb rar file but cannot open it, and also want to ask a fresh man question, why i have no ā€œline distorter image processā€in my PS script? thank you very very much~!

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      You’re welcome! You will need to unzip that 5kb RAR file. Use WinZip/WinRar/7zip to do that. Then you will see those scripts inside. Follow the instructions to install it in PS & AI.

      • francis says:

        thank you Hardik! it turns out that the old unzip app in my mac cannot handle your file and i download another one, now itā€™s all fineā€¦ thank for your reply! i would like to try some portrait effect with your scrip later but have no enough confidence yet, will let you know or ask for consult from you if i tryā€¦:) thanks!

  3. val ina says:

    sorry, but this script doesn’t work correctly for me.. sthh goes wrong

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      In Ai or Ps? where is not it working? Showing any error? Which CC version you are using?

      • K says:

        hi, I am using Ps cs6 and it doesnā€™t work right for me neither.. please help šŸ™‚

        • Hardik Lakhalani says:

          I’ve tested in CC. CS6 must be having different script object model. I recommend you to update to CC. Because most of the third party plugins & script on web are made for latest version.

  4. Yere says:

    You are a genius!!
    Some more explanations about the parameters in the scripts would be useful.
    After playing with some variations i get used to it and find out what works for me perfect.

  5. Kejt says:

    so cool!
    It doesnā€™t work well for me on Ps cs6, what should I do?

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      I’ve tested in CC. CS6 must be having different script object model. I recommend you to update to CC. Because most of the third party plugins & script on web are made for latest version.

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      It created with & for CC versions. So I’m sorry if it doesn’t work with CS6. Once we upgrade adobe apps, We can’t downgrade to older version. So I could not make it for CS6. You can use this on CC once you update the version from CS6.

  6. William says:

    Is there a Mac Version of this script?

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      Sorry I don’t know if it works for Mac, because I don’t have mac system. I suggest you to try them out without installation. To do that, Setup your testing document as you wish then when it’s time to execute the script, DO NOT go to file>scripts etc.. instead, Just Drag & Drop the script inside AI and PS. If it works then Please let me know so I can guide other mac users too. Thank you.

      • Bennie says:

        Drag & Drop didn’t work on the Mac… but if you just go to file>scripts>browse and select the jsx-file it will work. Only the proces (layers) are not visible but it will let you know when finished and can run the script in Illustrator.

  7. KB Tan says:

    Hi, will you mind helping me check this issue? I ran the issue but it will stop con’t to run at 0%.

  8. mohit says:

    HELLO, I have ps cc 19 but in scripts i didnt find that option line distorter image processor will you help mr to get this

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      this is external script. You have to installed/paste it manually. Instructions TXT is already included within Script Zip. please follow those steps.

  9. Nomad says:

    Hi! I’m trying to buy you a coffee but it seems that’s not working, I keep getting an error screen. Do you have a paypal address where I can send you a donation? Thx!

  10. Val says:

    Can this be used with shapes or compound paths?

    • Hardik Lakhalani says:

      You can’t deform the shapes you have already made. This script creates NEW Paths with Multiple Points according color data extracted from Photoshop document.

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